Bottling up giggles for a rainy day


If I could bottle up my daughter’s giggles I would.

I guess that’s kind of weird though. Because really I could just record them. On my camera. And then have a giggle-listening/watching marathon at my leisure.

But I like the idea of bottling them up. Capturing the purity of those giggles and unleashing them on a day I really need a pick-me-up.

The way her laugh has changed since her first giggle-gurgle makes me realize how quickly time is flying by. Yes, yes we parents all comment on this time-flying phenomenon at one point or another.

But no, really. I can’t believe how quickly life is whooshing.

Already my daughter doesn’t need my help as much as she used to. Be it getting dressed, using craft scissors to cut paper or “reading” a story – she’s got it.

I now need to consciously back off and let her direct when she needs help as opposed to just stepping in and providing it.

In a blink we’ve gone from swaddling her close to registering her for junior kindergarten.


And yes, we have most definitely had our ups and downs (bunny in the face, anyone?), but we are by in large a house of full of giggles. I love those giggles.

House of laughter. House of love. Yep. That.

Me and Sweet Girl, summer 2011


2 Responses to “Bottling up giggles for a rainy day”

  1. Chantal

    I know exactly what you mean. It isn’t bottling the sound. It is the feeling, the moment, saving it for day when you need it again. 🙂 I live in a house full of laughter too (mostly) and love it. I registered my little guy for JK and I am freaking out over it. So FAST!
    Chantal recently posted..An experiment – subject: MeMy Profile


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