Six Word Fridays: Wisdom


You cannot push friendship or love

into being. You cannot build strength

of feeling, camaraderie and mutual respect

where there is no depth felt.

Or seen. Or shared. Offered even.

This last point is especially true.

Why should the scale favour one

side; the other tipping over earnestly?

Futilely squeezing emotion from a rock.

I have learned this wisdom through

serious missteps in this regard. With

hands, heart bleeding from the effort.

You cannot force into being what

is not sewn upon middle ground.

The Iris - a flower associated to friendship, truth & trust.

Photo credit to Koshyk.

It’s Six Word Fridays. This week’s topic is wisdom. Check it out at Making Things Up.

9 Responses to “Six Word Fridays: Wisdom”

  1. Molly@Postcards from a Peaceful Divorce

    So beautifully put, Mel. That is a great guide for relationships of all kinds.

  2. iseeyoulookingatme

    Wow, how true is that! But, nothing can beat a true friend. They are priceless!

  3. Adrienne Scanlon

    oohhh…this stirs up a bit of emotion in me! As I grow to have a stronger sense of self worth, I am becoming less enabling… With that my expectations for relationships are that they be genuinely two way. Love this!

  4. Brook @2bdancing

    sewn in middle ground
    exactly. just so. I love that phrasing.

  5. Belinda

    “I have learned this wisdom through serious missteps” — I think that’s the kind of wisdom that tends to have true resonance; not the advice from others and not the textbook kind of knowledge.

  6. ayala

    Some lessons are hard to learn….beautifully said!

  7. Melissa

    A painful bit of truth, this.

  8. MissChi

    Nicely put.. this wisdom one wishes one knew.
    We often learn the greatest wisdom the hardest way.

    “I have learned this wisdom through
    serious missteps in this regard. With
    hands, heart bleeding from the effort.”
    –> definitely me.
    Thanks for a beautiful post. I need to be reminded of this wisdom, more than ever. šŸ™‚

  9. Sara

    I’m all too often the one working too hard. I need to work on that šŸ˜‰


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