Six Word Fridays: exchange


I know you can’t change things

The past is done and done

Mistakes, terribleness in general behind you

Really, that’s where they should be

However, looking back on this week

For more reasons beyond my own

I’d like a do over, please.

This has been a tough week for myself but also for a friend of mine. Life sure has its ups and downs. Hoping the ups soon smooth out this really awful dip she’s going through. For more writings on the prompt ‘exchange’ visit Melissa’s blog.

* Photo credit to RumalowaΒ via Flickr.

10 Responses to “Six Word Fridays: exchange”

  1. Adrienne

    Shaking off the recent past – so tough. Hope for smoother waters this week!

  2. alita (@AlitaJewel)

    Your do over is today- hugs!
    We do start fresh every day
    However, it doesn’t help to know
    this sometimes, eh? I hope that
    next week shines with love- happiness!


  3. LaQueshia Jeffries

    I hope things do clear up for your friend, When you love someone their pain is often your pain.

    Here’s to next week!

  4. ayala

    I hope today is a new day!!!!!!!!!!
    πŸ™‚ filled with all positive things!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Brook @2bdancing

    Hope things look up. There are some do-over days I’d like as well.

  6. Sara

    Here’s to a brand new day
    A fresh start and some happiness πŸ™‚

  7. cj schlottman

    Sending you ((HUGS)) and positive energy for healing to you and your friend.


  8. Melissa

    Sometimes I would take a reset button, if life had one to offer. But I would like my mistakes to stay behind me…. preferably not joined by new ones…


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