Scrambling of late…

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I’ve been scrambling of late to fit in fitness. I know all about making it a priority, setting time for it in your schedule. Just do it and all that. Ah, the best of intentions…

I like working out. I get all squirrely if I don’t. Almost as if excess energy is building up inside of me (uh,which it probably is) and if I don’t get it out of my system I’ll go nuts.

Actually I know I do. Go nuts that is.

I get really impatient. And angry. And frustrated. Oh and did I mention that squirrely feeling also makes it difficult for me to relax? Enjoy a book or some other quiet time activity?

Yes, indeed. I need to exercise.

Which is why I’m a bit flabbergasted that I keep letting things get in my way of getting it done. I don’t like that I’m letting it happen.

A few Ottawa peeps have joined the 100 Club. The brain child of Andrea Tomkins, the basic goal is to burn 100 calories every day for 100 days just by doing a few easy exercises. There’s a shared calendar that folks can use to track their progress.

In theory I also joined the 100 Club. I say in theory because while I have access to the calendar, I haven’t tracked my activities.

Until today that is!

It is with great joy I can look on this page, and see my name listed. Yay me!!!

So  here’s a list of the activities I want to accomplish:

  • Do some form of exercise each day – run up and down the stairs at work (5 flights), go for a walk, do a workout routine, whatever.
  • Drink at least 3 glasses of water a day. While it should be more, 3 is a good start for me.
  • Stretch! Take 10 minutes a day to do it.

There’s probably more I should add but for now, I’m happy to work on the above.

My goal is to move every day. 1-2-3, go!

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