Three words to live by in 2013


I’ve been known to lose myself a time or two in a thesaurus. So many words! And one word leads you to another. Jumping from synonym to antonym, and back again. It’s like a story unfolding but with an unconventional plot.

No predictions of where the next word will take you. Simply an adventure in vocabulary.

To me, words are delicious. Some more than others. I’ve touched on this point before (le beurre d’arachide anyone?).

And we all know words hold power. Good and bad yes, but I like that words can be used as a mantra. A statement repeated into truth. A promise to the future.

Lara at Wellman-Wilson Consulting recently shared her three words for 2013, and challenged others to do the same. The goal is to identify three words that represent how you will focus your energy this year.

Hmm…this challenge got me thinking. And here’s what I’ve decided. 

My three words


When I don’t pay enough attention I let life-happenings happen to me versus taking them as they come. It took me much of my 20’s and early 30’s to figure this out. That life is as I make it. That I can’t control others or the situations I find myself in, but I can control my reaction to them.

Recently, I forgot this lesson and so I’ve allowed some crappy circumstances have unnecessary power over me.

I want to remain centred on the truths I know for myself. What I know to be important to me and my family’s happiness. To not let that knowledge blur for me again.


There are a lot of fun projects I’m a part of this year. Some are already underway, some are related to work and others are more hobby-like (I will knit-one, purl-one with flair one of these days!).

I want to learn and discover and flex my skills and knowledge more this year. The adventure awaits.


Write more. Create more. Use my imagination more. I’m brimmed over with words I for some reason hesitate to share. I need to be fearless in this journey to find my voice. I need to seek it out and not be afraid of revealing who I am, what I think and what I feel.

It doesn’t mean I’m opening the book on myself. I’m too much of an introvert to do that, but I need to step out of my comfort zone and story-tell more. Oh that it could be easy!

So that’s where I’m at for 2013. Have you considered doing something like this for yourself? It is kind of like a New Year’s resolution but I don’t see it completely that way. It’s more like that mantra I spoke of earlier. Three simple words to live by.

What do you think? Will you give it a try?



3 Responses to “Three words to live by in 2013”

  1. lara

    Yay – I’m glad you chose 3 words, and they’re all great ones! 🙂
    lara recently posted..It’s all about them: Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)My Profile

  2. ayala

    great three words ! 🙂
    ayala recently posted..Happy Birthday JoshMy Profile


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