You cannot push friendship or love into being. You cannot build strength of feeling, camaraderie and mutual respect where there is no depth felt. Or seen. Or shared. Offered even. This last point is especially true. Why should the scale favour one side; the other tipping over earnestly? Futilely squeezing emotion from a rock. I … Continued
six word fridays
Six Word Fridays: yesterday
the day before yesterday, my husband sent me a text – the first in several years. actually, it’s probably one of maybe five he’s sent. to me at least. you see, he’s a bit of a talker… which makes him old school. but! i was so excited! i thought: at last – he has embraced … Continued
Six Word Fridays: last
the last time there was a royal wedding this significant, i was 8 years old. woken up early by my mom, together sharing history. 30 years later, i am up early again, bleary-eyed but excited to watch history in the making once more. my daughter too young to appreciate it with me – drats. — It’s … Continued
Six Word Fridays: counting our blessings
My blessings are many – I’m lucky. My troubles are minimal, trivial even, When placed against a larger context. Compared to hardships endured by others – Those surfacing from disasters, surviving atrocities Natural and man-made – against that backdrop (Of humanity boiled over) I’m blessed. But sometimes…the little things collect Adding up to a larger … Continued
Six Word Fridays: First
Appearing in my garden this week The first flowers of spring – yay! Now I want to see more! I really should have thought to take a photo of the crocuses in my garden to add to this post. Good thing the interweb is full of photos of crocuses! (Photo courtesy ) —- This … Continued
Six Word Fridays: right
The dilemma of what is right Over what is coveted – seemingly trivial. And yet…I’ve come to realize Sometimes the debate with one’s self Isn’t over black and white decisions. Rather, it’s the greys blended between. Those murky greys muddle everything up! What is right? Questioning, doubting, demanding! Really…what’s so wrong with want? If it … Continued
Six Word Fridays: again
i’m going down this route again looking around, unsure why i’m here instead of there – where i dreamed, plotted, planned to be. huh. stumped. refresh, refresh – time to start again. i reach for my pen – mapping new thoughts, ideas and mind travels. internal editor getting ahead of me, word jam – damn! … Continued
We often use this counting phrase To get DD out the door To make any trip an adventure To encourage her to express excitement We say ‘1-2-3…’ and DD finishes Shouting cheerily and clearly her intention How do you motivate yourself/family? — It’s Six Word Fridays again! Check out some more wordy goodness at Making … Continued
six word fridays: hope
hope is a thread held between the fingers of thousands plus more, taut to the point of snapping. hope is eternally felt, shared, given. taking desperate optimism and shaping it into relief, comfort and eventually…peace. — This Six Word Fridays is dedicated to the people of Japan. To offer my support, I have contributed $25 to … Continued
six word fridays: wonder
i wonder at certain times about what will be, where i’ll be in the years ahead of me not in a wishy-washy sense pondering the material or the incidental (although i can fall into that) more like, will my dreams manifest? i’ve learned it can be better when they don’t; new dreams unfolding unthought of … Continued