listen, i want to write and write all the time. spending each day surrounded by words mixing and matching them – stories weaved from ideas, daydreams and my experiences. until, threads of thought transposed to prose shared here with you thoughtful reader. conversation – fueled, sparked with you (i hope) listen – and then please speak … Continued
six word fridays
six word fridays: beginnings
beginnings – easier to finish than endings endings require the follow through – oomph! nope, not easy especially when distracted by life’s little bumps – motivation killed! back to beginnings, that starting line to reach that goal; to be changed —- This entry is part of Melissa’s meme at Making Things Up. Check it out, … Continued
six word fridays: transform
you can never stay the same experiencing successes, failures – adapting to change you may not recognize the transformation, until a while later you see better or worse versions of yourself depending on your approach to life you accept, adapt or cry in rage self-awareness, yes – but more is required there is more to … Continued
six word fridays: wait
Note to my readers: WordPress is making me angry because it keeps stripping out paragraph breaks. Can’t seem to fix it. So if this week’s Six Word Fridays is difficult to read – my earnest apologies! journey to motherhood – my waiting game for a pregnancy to stick – finally! for the first trimester to … Continued
six word fridays: the best
It’s the little things that make life the best. They help me to appreciate what is good, what is working out right. Especially when life piles on difficulties just to make me sweat. In the end, the best is wherever I choose to find it. And so here are a few of the things- the moments, … Continued
six word fridays: this much i know
that i don’t know enough but… brining a turkey makes it juicy reading is a gift of discovery chocolate heals the soul (it’s true) spinning classes = torture disguised as fitness my lovely daughter loves the wind i can go through labour…naturally the importance of my family’s needs and the equal importance of mine social … Continued
six word fridays: temptation
temptation strikes me all the time oh chocolate how you taste divine reading pages more instead of sleep tongue biting when i’d rather speak buying purses, shoes and baby toys (my husband just rolled his eyes) another sip, sip of pinot noir 😉 taking chances when i’ve failed before it’s bedtime – wanting one last … Continued
six word fridays: together
playdate (hooray!) with my daughter tomorrow day of songs, tickles and laughs perhaps banana bread in the oven to the park, swing and climb back home for snack and naps more play and then sweet dreams date night with DH – perfect day Wondering what’s up? Check out Melissa’s meme at Making Things Up, then write … Continued
six word fridays: you (aka me)
Family-focused… Geeky Girl… Bookworm… Unabashedly so. —————— Wondering what’s up? Check out Melissa’s meme at Making Things Up, then write your own six word masterpiece!