Jane Austen’s Fight Club: that’s right!


While the first rule of Fight Club may be to not talk about Fight Club…I can’t resist. There is a video making the rounds on the Internet called Jane Austen’s Fight Club. Mashable.com reports the video is racking up more than 37,000 views on YouTube. I know I’ve saved it to my YouTube favorites. I’m … Continued

SMBOttawa 15 with Sam Ladner

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The next Social Media Breakfast (SMB) Ottawa is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28th! Guest speaker Sam Ladner, a sociologist specializing in technology and organizations, will share insights on several sociological frameworks for understanding social media behavior and phenomena. Ladner will also share the design framework and conclusions from a recent study on women’s social media … Continued

Social media isn’t rocket surgery


Those are the words Amy Mengel cited as the mantra of last week’s Inbound Marketing Summit. In her post Five reasons corporations are failing at social media, Amy summarizes why companies aren’t finding success with social media. And as Amy writes, it’s not because social media is hard to do. When you boil it down … Continued